Thursday, 18 February 2010

Upcoming band preview Fridays!

Ok, I admit it, it's not the catchiest title in the world, maybe unsigned Sundays would be better, but Sunday's two days away and people need to hear about unsigned bands from places they've never been to!

So, let's kick off the joy that is Upcoming Band Preview Friday's or UBPF (catchy right?) with a bunch of guys from my home town. "You're biased!" I hear you say, well, when I say you I meant the imaginary audience I hear in my head... Anyway! no bias here, I'd rather pick a band from somewhere more exciting, but nooo, I'm in a local mood.

So if my laptop finally stops deciding that it doesn't want to be friends with the router, I'll introduce you to... (dun dun daaaahn!):

Faceshredder have been going for some time now and are one of the North East of England's best hardcore / metal bands (though they probably don't want calling metalcore...). Don't be put off by the photo of them either, what they lack in hair they make up in riffs and pure stage presence.

Despite the odd gap / hiatus / lazing around, the band are up and touring, and you can check out their dates and music on their Myspace (which people apparently still use...) 

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