Ever on the lookout for what's on the horror horizon, Musical Scares has dredged the murky lake that is the internet to bring you April's upcoming movie releases.
Unfortunately it's a bad month for horror, and while some sources suggest that a remake of the Troma-tastic Mother's Day is on the way, information is incredibly thing on the ground.
While scheduled for a convenient release back on the 9th of April it seems as though the film is far from finished, though vlogs and info can be found on the film's official webpage and the occasional tidbit is posted on the film's director, Darren Bousman's Twitter page.
While all the excitement of a new(ish) Troma movie might have you drooling with joy Hollywood has come along to spoil your fun, with a number of big budget films cropping up throughout April.
9 April - After.Life - Cinemas
Starring Christina Ricci and Liam Neeson, the film sees Anna (Ricci) involved in a horrendous car crash. Soon after, Anna finds herself being attended to by the local funeral director Eliot Deacon (Neeson) who assures her that she died in the crash.
Essentially giving The Sixth Sense a kidnap style twist, Deacon claims that he is the only one that can see or hear Anna, keeping her captive in the funeral home, while she tries to find out the truth and contact her grieving boyfriend Paul (Justin Long) who is already beginning to question Deacon over the death.
27 April - The Descent Part 2 (US Release) - DVD
Essentially a film that should never have been made, The Descent Part 2 follows on from the original movie, provided you watched the American version and not the English one, which would have prevented all of this sequel business.
After finding her way back above ground and bathed in her friends' blood, Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) soon arouses the suspicions of the local authorities, thanks to both a good dose of psychological trauma and the aforementioned blood.
Not ones for believing stories of killer cave-dwelling manbeasts, Sherriff Vaines (Gavin O'Herlihy) and his partner Rios (Krysten Cummings) join with a rescue team to uncover what happened in the caves, while exhibiting all of the empathy and psychological know-how of a bear trap by taking Sarah with them.
30 April - A Nightmare On Elm Street - Cinemas
While The Descent is seeing the light of day once more, this year's most unanticipated remake would have been best left dead and buried.
Roughly following the plot of the original, A Nightmare On Elm Street sees everybody's favourite razor fingered dream-murderer Freddy Krueger (this time played by Jackey Earle Haley) as the school janitor turned horror icon who preys on a town's teens while they sleep.
Effectively gouging out any of the wickedly dark humour of the original, Samuel Bayer's 'reimagining' looks to be a nightmare for all the wrong reasons.
The Monkey (2025)
1 week ago
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