Sunday, 28 February 2010

No Robert Englund but one angry boob

So, today's post was going to be about the upcoming atrocity that is the new Nightmare on Elm remake. Basically it takes the original, jazzes up the effects and kills it promptly. The new producer, Michael Bay (who was also responsible for last year's dire Friday the 13th remake) then promptly dances on the grave of the original while urinating uncontrolably, that's about the long and short of it.

So instead of that dreadful abortion of a film I'm going to give you another option, a short film that only clocks in at two and a half minutes, so even if you don't like it you won't feel like a large part of your life has been torn away, and with a title like Boob how can you go wrong?

Frankly it's one of the best horror concepts I've seen in a while, it's roughly along the same lines as the crap-tastic 1996 German film, Kondon des Grauens (AKA, Killer Condom) but with less gigolos and more tits.

If you've ever wondered what happens when a silicone breast implants discovers life after a Frankenstein's monster style jolt of electricity this is the film for you:

The design studio behind the piece, Honest, is also responsible for a number of other short films, and although none of them quite meet the genius of Boob the rest of their work is still worth a look:

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